Saturday, March 17, 2007

dear running:

Dear running,

You and I have had a very interesting, complicated relationship. We've been together through good times and bad, and there have been peaks and valleys all along the way (seriously, those hills can be killer). You give me everything I could ever want. I mean sure, sometimes we fight when I get all excited to go out with you for an hour and it somehow ends up being twenty minutes because I just can't stand it, but I digress.

You also challenge me. Most others would simply roll with the punches, but there are many times when challenging just isnt enough, and you push me to my absolute limits.

Through you, I learn a lot about myself. There are many different approaches I have taken, those who know me really understand the fact that I constantly ***** and moan about the bad times we've had, but I revel in the good. Whether that means running with music or without, working hard or taking it easy, there is always something new, even if it is an unwelcome change (I will always be able to look back and learn from it, and understand why that change was absolutely neccessary.)

I have had a bad habit of jumping into things too fast in previous relationships, and I quickly burn out. I know how to pace myself with you, which leaves me satisfied and never really bored. I am so glad we are taking it "slow."

Even though we have only been together for 8 months, I'm pretty sure you're "the one", and I hope we can grow old together, mile after mile, shoe after shoe, run after run.

I love you.

Can't wait to see you again on monday afternoon!


(call me)

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