Thursday, April 12, 2007

Starting Over After 9 months

This morning I went out for a short, foggy run. Once again, my mind was overpowering, and despite running 35 miles last week with no problems whatsoever, this week has been totally different. I haven't been in sync with my body at all, and I'm doing far too much walking.

I can literally feel my mind telling my body to stop, even when I probably don't need to. Since I am not competitive in my running, and do it for pure enjoyment, I am going to have to practically start all over again. I know what you're thinking. Don't be a wussy, just keep going? Well, I would agree with you in theory. However, a wise man once said "know thyself"."
If there is one person I know very well, it is myself. Once I get into something, I have a tendency to drop it completely if I overindulge.

I had been running at least 6-8 miles a run every other day and loving it, I think I'm going to have to start with 5k's again for a while, maybe going as far back as 15 mpw.

Running for me is supposed to be fun, and perhaps that many miles was a high point before a plateau. So I'm going to try some shorter runs with short term goals, all in the interest of sticking with it. I know I'm fit, and I'm proud of my prior accomplishments, but if I keep going on this track I know I'll suffer for it even more so.

Your comments and advice are much appreciated!