Saturday, January 13, 2007


Well, I did it. I finally listened to everyone who told me to slow the hell down, and it really worked. Hills, no problem! I dont need no stinkin' hills, I eat 'em for breakfast!! For weeks, I had been pushing myself too hard. I figured that I was in too good of shape to go slowly, and that if i was going 2 minutes below my race pace, I wasn't really running. What a load!

My run was, by all accounts, what a run was supposed to be. Nice and easy. Heartrate was in check and my breathing was totally awesome. I really enjoyed the scenery for a change, and it was almost a sensory overload. My thoughts were totally focused, yet sirene. I didnt need any music, and I dont think that I ever will again, except for cross training during stretching exercises before and after runs. My previous distance PR was about 10k, so I smashed it! Better still, it was easy, and I know now that I can do this every week, making my mileage increases all that much easier. 30 miles per week, here I come. I feel like a REAL RUNNER!!!!

Next week: 21.6 miles!!!


Unknown said...

Awesome! Congrats! :)

Pat said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I've read many of your posts on RW forms and you always give a lot of insight and ask great questions. I look forward to reading your blog.

You might be interested in Phil's blog from arizona. He's a very good runner and is always willing to give adivice. If you'd like, go to my blog and you'll see a link to his on the right.

Good luck with your blog and I'll check back soon.

Arizona, USA

know as meep meep on RW